Linear Text

Linear Text

Technology has changed drastically as time went on and it created many new things to make life much easier. People use computers and smart phones to make their lives easier then back in the days. For example people use Facebook and tweeter to talk to each other while on the Internet. Technology had changed drastically to even when i was born so Imagen 50 years ago.

Technology has had a big change in schools for students. The kids now can use the Internet to do resurch for projects and essay's. 50 years ago their was no computers to do what any of the work that we do now. The internet is so easy to use that all the computer skills you need are the basic's. Students and teachers work better then 50 years ago tenology had changed the living of everybody. People can even go to school while being home using the internet.

50 years ago people would be writing in pencil then as technology has start to evolve then the type writer was made so it mad it easy for people to write news articles of any work they had to write. As i interviewed my mom she told me that in her time to write a essay on a type writer took forever and it made alot of noise compare to todays technology that people can write essays in less then a hour. After the time cell phones where coming out but they was big all most as a new born baby big then as technology got smarter they made cell phones smaller. But to write a text on the phone u would take long just to write a sentence. people would love using their type writers and cell phones because that was the new technology out but only if they know was was coming after a type writer and that huge cell phone.

In the late 70s computers where the new thing from type writers as technology evolved an for cell phones they came out wit flip phones to make it easier to carry with you. As computers were coming out it made it even faster for the people to do work of even look for things online.Now in the 20th century computers are as small as a note book and easy to carry around people can use their laptops to do anything where ever they are at. and for sell phones as well you can even do the same as what you will be doing on a computer now on your cell phone. people even use Email, facebook and tweeter to talk to each other on the computer and share information as well. Now we can also watch tv and even watch news at anytime on the internet.

All in all techonology has evolved that people use Google and yahoo to look up what ever they would want or need to find. Technology has changed drastically as time went on and it created many new things to make life much easier. As people look back to the past they see how much life has changed and made things much better for us people to use. The schools are better and jobs are easier then before because of technology. Maybe as technology evolves we will have better things then what we have now just let time tell and we will see for our self's.
© Juan G. 2011